Saturday, December 2, 2006

Lazy Saturday

2nd December - a lazy Saturday afternoon. Spent much time browsing Orkut looking for long lost friends. Orkut is a nice tool, great concept. Never realized how powerful it is, till I found so many communities, which I neven knew. Found communities for my school, pre-University, hometown.

Then I thought about this blog page, I have not visited for last one year. Blog is another great concept. Especially when you have Saturday after noons like this - lazy.

Thoughts on traffic

Always wonder, when one display national flag or Karnataka flag on their vehicle and jump a signal - just to save 20 or 10 seconds waiting time on a signal.

Traffic rules are not guidelines. They are part of the laws of the land. When you break them you are violating the laws and disrespecting your own country/state/city.